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Don't Pity Penniless Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, The Political Fundraising Machine

If you're a GOP donor, you might be receiving a request letter soon from, you guessed it, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Poor penniless Gov. Palin is blaming that "politically motivated Troopergate probe" for forcing her to accumulate hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal debt.

Politically motivated? Is there anything Gov. Sarah Palin has done since she took office and ran for Vice President that has not been politically motivated? Here's a one-sentence refresher course on what the Troopergate allegation concerned:

At issue was whether Palin pushed for the firing of her ex-brother-in-law, state Trooper Mike Wooten, then fired public safety commissioner Walt Monegan when the trooper stayed on the job."

Nobody plays the political motivation game better than Gov. Palin, including infuriating members of her own party such as former Alaska governor and GOP powerhouse Frank Murkowski, whom she ran against and beat in a gubernatorial primary. So pity not poor penniless Palin. She's a survivor if ever there were one. Having a pity party just doesn't seem to suit her nail-spitting, moose-murdering image at all.

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By Bonnie Erbe

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