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Dole Likes Liddy (And McCain)

Former Sen. Bob Dole says he's not sure his wife will seek the Republican presidential nomination. He's even considering contributing to the campaign of one of her competitors, Sen. John McCain.

"McCain's my friend. And he's not raising the money that (Texas Gov.) George Bush is. I think we need to keep good people in the race," Dole said in an interview in The New York Times. "So I've thought about ways to help McCain in particular."

Bob Dole

But before writing out the check, the former senator added, "I think I'd check with Elizabeth first."

McCain, an Arizonan, is an announced candidate for the GOP nomination in 2000. Bush and Mrs. Dole are exploring whether to formally enter the race.

"I'm sort of leaning that she'll do it," said Dole, who ran three times for the presidency. "If there's no response out there, or if it looks impossible, this is not her whole life. If she can't raise the money, obviously it's pretty hard to be a candidate."

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