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Doing Business on the Net

Those dot coms are everywhere. Radio, TV, newspapers, magazines. Bruce Judson, author of a new book called HyperWars, says whatever business you're in, if you don't think the Internet affects you, you're wrong...

"It is going to affect big companies, small companies, entrepreneurs, everyone of every shape and size. And those that act now will survive and profit. I believe that strongly. And people that ostrich like...put their head in the sand and say this is not going to mean a lot for me, have a very real danger of waking up a year from now and saying what happened?"
Judson says you can get started just by making use of email. You can find more information on the book at You can also work through companies like ValPak, that are using the web to distribute coupons for local businesses. ValPak's Todd Leiser...

"When you come to our site, all you have to do is put in your zip code. You'll be presented with the next screen which will give you categories for all the businesses and services that are in or near your zip code."
Select a category, and you can print out just the coupons you want. The site is

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