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Documentary Celebrates "Awakening of the Conservative Woman"

The conservative filmmakers at Citizens United are out with a new documentary called "Fire From The Heartland" they bill as "a powerful statement about America at a crossroads and the women who have awakened to the crisis."

"With role models such as Clare Boothe Luce, Margaret Thatcher, and Phyllis Schlafly as inspiration, these women are the unintended consequence of the liberal feminist movement," according to a site promoting the film.

Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Michele Bachmann and Schlafly are among the women who appear in the film, which celebrates Sarah Palin and other conservative women.

The film also appears to take aim at what it sees as liberal cultural figures like Lady Gaga and the women in the "Sex and the City" films, who, Coulter suggests, are part of a culture that has "tried to take everything that makes women so strong away from them. Their femininity, their morality."

The movie will be released on September 22nd, according to Slate, as part of a series of conservative documentaries.

It will be followed by "The Battle for America," which features Dick Morris and argues Congress must be replaced.

Citizens United, a non-profit, was on the winning side of the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission Supreme Court case that resulted in the loosening of corporate spending on political campaigns.

One side note -- you'll notice that the trailer twice features the phrase "ram down our throats," one of's most loaded phrases in American politics.

Brian Montopoli is a political reporter for You can read more of his posts here. Follow Hotsheet on Facebook and Twitter.
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