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Design Solutions For Your Giant TV

With the Super Bowl just days away, households around the country are sprucing up their TV rooms.

But that's become a design dilemma like never before now that giant TVs have become so popular.

It's not easy making a 72-inch plasma fit in with the family antiques. So The Early Show invited interior designer Rush Jenkins to


Use existing focal point
Fireplaces are the focal point in the living rooms of most traditional homes, so consider hanging your gargantuan TV, be it Plasma or LCD, above the mantle. Just make sure the screen is at least 8 to 10 inches shorter than the width of the mantle on both sides. And leave approximately 12 inches above the mantle for decorative items.

  • Featured product: Panasonic plasma TV.

    Use furniture
    Another obvious and simple solution is using furniture to house your TV. There are many options, especially now that the furniture industry is designing pieces specifically for larger TV sets. First, decide whether you want to conceal your TV or feature it in the open. Hiding large TVs works especially well for non-flat panels that have a lot of depth to them, including many of the older CRT or tube televisions. Jenkins recommends using an armoire to house a deeper TV. It will also serve well as additional storage space.

  • Featured products: ABC Carpet and Home armoire with 50-inch Panasonic plasma.

    Incorporate as art
    When you're not watching your favorite show or sporting event, turn your TV into a piece of art. Sets with a SD or memory card feature allow you to display art or photo images. By mounting your TV on a wall above a sideboard or credenza, you let it blend in with your surroundings. Some TVs are even designed to be mirrors when not in use.

  • Featured product: 50-inch Panasonic with art image. Create your own framed plasma masterpiece by choosing a plasma monitor expressly suited for framing. Then select a frame that best suits your style and décor — from classic gold leaf to mahogany to pewter. Eight Panasonic frame styles, $399.95-$449.95.

    Freestanding TVs
    If you want to keep it simple, a stand alone option might be best. Most plasma and LCDs come with stands that allow you to place them on top of an existing piece of furniture, such as a console.

  • Featured product: 60-inch LG Plasma Display Panel with Built-In High-Definition Digital Video Recorder (MODEL: 60PY2DR).
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