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Dems attack Romney in new Hollywood style ad, Gingrich could benefit

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama CBS/Getty Images

UPDATED 8:58 a.m. ET

Newt Gingrich got a big boost Sunday in his bid to oust Mitt Romney as the inevitable Republican nominee for president when the conservative New Hampshire Union Leader endorsed the former House speaker in his bid for the White House.

And Monday, he may have gotten some more help from an unlikely source: the Democratic National Committee. The DNC unveiled a scathing attack ad on Romney's record, highlighting changes he has made to his policy positions.

Titled "Mitt v. Mitt," the ad portrays the former Massachusetts governor as "the story of two men trapped in one body" in a movie-style trailer, complete with booming voice narration used for Hollywood blockbusters.

The timing of the ad's release, with just a little more than a month to go before Republican voters begin to choose their nominee, clearly shows that Democrats are most worried about Romney as a challenger to President Obama.

Romney has been relentless in his criticism of the president, often ignoring his Republican rivals and keeping his eye on the White House. He has blasted Mr. Obama's record on the economy, arguing that he is a successful businessman with a track record at creating jobs.

The ad is an effort by Democrats to counter that narrative and stir up doubt about Romney among conservative Republicans, many of whom are uneasy with his contradictory positions on key issues, including health care, immigration and abortion.

"Two Mitts willing to say anything," the narrator intones as the screen shows an old clip of Romney saying he would "preserve and protect a woman's right to choose," followed by a more recent clip of Romney saying he wants to see the landmark Supreme Court decision on abortion, Roe v. Wade, "overturned."

The 30-second ad is airing in a handful of states, including Ohio, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, and directs viewers to a longer, four-minute version at

The Romney campaign noted that DNC ad is airing in states the Obama campaign is worried about losing.

"The last thing the White House wants is to have to run against Mitt Romney and be held accountable for the many failures of this administration. So, instead of focusing on the economy and creating jobs, President Obama and Democrats are focused on tearing down Mitt Romney," said Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul.

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