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Democrats Not Putting A Timeline On Second Stimulus

House Democrats reiterated their desire to call Congress back into session to take up a second economic stimulus package on Monday, but retreated from reports that they may do it before Election Day.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said the House would take up the measure “as soon as we can responsibly do it” but said he was “not giving a timeline.”

Democratic leaders met for over two hours Monday with a group of economists to shape the package.

Following the meeting, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the appropriate committees would hold hearings on the package over the next several weeks.

“We will have the hearings and see what the hearings yield,” said Pelosi. “We stand ready to take action when we are ready, when we have the appropriate package.”

Democrats are considering a $150 billion package that would include money for road improvements, an extension of unemployment benefits, more spending for food stamps and financial aid to the states.

Pelosi said she was “considering” including another round of rebate checks in the measure, but said no final decisions had been made.

Republicans unveiled their own economic stimulus plan on Monday, which includes a robust expansion of offshore drilling.


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