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Debbie Wasserman Schultz reelected chair of Democratic Party

After a successful election where the Democrats held onto the presidency and picked up seats in the House and Senate, Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, D-Fla., was reelected to a second term as chair of the Democratic Party.

Responding to her reelection, Wasserman Schultz said she was "humbled" that President Obama has her continued confidence.

The Florida congresswoman was easily reelected by the Democratic National Committee officials at their meeting in Washington, D.C. today after speculation late in 2012 that the White House was not pleased with Wasserman Schultz's job performance. But that speculation subsided last month when the president wrote via Twitter that he asked Wasserman Schultz to serve another two-year term.

Wasserman Schultz, a breast cancer survivor, is an energetic cheerleader of Democratic policies, a close confidante of House Democratic Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi and a bridge to women and the Jewish community.

She praised the president's decision to keep his massive campaign infrastructure, Obama for America - renamed Organizing for Action - active. She highlighted its new role as a policy-oriented organization to promote Democratic policies and work with the Democratic Party in subsequent elections.

Referencing the president's inauguration speech yesterday, Wasserman Schultz said, "The president has laid out our vision. We must give him the tools to succeed. That is our job."

Meanwhile, the Republican Party is gearing up for its meeting in Charlotte, N.C., which begins tomorrow, to elect its leader. Current chair, Reince Priebus, is currently running unopposed but the libertarian Ron Paul faction of the party is attempting to put up a challenge.

Mark Willis, who served on the Maine delegation during the 2012 elections, is lobbying RNC officers to be placed on the ballot for Friday's election. His candidacy has the support of two states - Maine and Nevada - but is in need of a third.

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