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Davis Calls On Bloch To Resign

Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.), ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, called on Special Counsel Scott Bloch to resign his post.

Bloch's office was raided yesterday by federal law enforcement officials who seized records and computers. Davis also asked Chairman Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.), to subpoena Bloch for a sworn deposition to ask him why he brought in a non-government computer service company - Geeks on Call - to perform an extensive wipe on his government computer. All things being equal though, Davis would prefer he simply resign instead, he said.

"The White House asked Lurita Doan to step down as head of the General Services Administration because, they said, she had become a distraction," Davis said. "In light of the various investigations into Mr. Bloch's conduct, including the FBI probe revealed yesterday, it's hard to believe he can continue to operate effectively. It's time the OSC put this turbulent period behind it and return to the important work of protecting federal whistleblowers."

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