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Dave Finding Few Zzzs on the Road

Many people dream of that great road trip in which you're out on the highway, and don't even know which way you'll head next.

All this week, "Early Show"'s weather anchor and features reporter Dave Price has been on just such a trip. However, it has a few limitations. He embarked on his weeklong adventure from Santa Monica, Calif. with just a backpack, some camera equipment and $50.

Special Section: Check out Dave's Journey
Slideshow: Scenes from Dave's Trip

Dave's trip has led him across the country by nearly every transportation means available. He's seen a lot of beautiful country, met a lot of great people along the way -- and had very little sleep.

Dave figures that's probably because he's had to bed down in some uncomfortable places. Dave's slept in a Jeep, outside next to a swimming pool and in a frat house.

"It's not surprising that I've started feeling thoroughly exhausted," Dave said Thursday.

However, in Granger, Iowa, a local band came out to lift Dave's spirits on the road. The Granger High School band and cheerleading squad turned out to welcome him to the area.

Dave said he loved the band and the entertainment, but he was growing increasingly tired.

He said, "I was feeling sorry for myself and I had no idea how I was gonna get home."

Catch Up with Dave on Twitter

Then Dave met Sue Stropes, who offered him a ride. Stropes, who lost her job taking care of stray animals, tearfully said she was worried about her future.

Stropes said, "I'm without a job and I'm almost 60, so the reality is that I probably won't have a good job again."

That's when Dave offered Stropes dinner and said he would bypass the overnight bus to Minneapolis in favor of spending the ride with Stropes.

"This is also what being on the road is about," Dave said, "Two strangers brought together, because they need each other."

Read the "No Way Home Producer Notebook" blog.

But will Dave make it home by Friday?

"You know, I'm not sure," he said. "But either way, I'm OK with it."

Dave explained, "The bus and the train schedules don't jive. It's a 27 hour trip from here. The airline tickets are expensive. I don't know if I'm going to have enough of an opportunity to work to pay for that, and then I got to get it the airport. I don't know."

"I've got to rejig it and hopefully people will tweet and we'll figure it out," Dave said. "And you know what? If I don't make it home tomorrow, so what? I'll make it home Monday. If I don't make it home Monday, so what? Russ Mitchell is there (at "The Early Show"). He can do my job forever."

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