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Dash Says Sayonara To Starr

Kenneth Starr's ethics chief resigns. Sam Dash, the former Senate Watergate Counsel whom Starr pridefully pointed out so many times was on hid staff, quit in protest.

Why? Because Dash says Starr had openly, publicly become "an aggressive advocate" in the House impeachment hearing against President Clinton.

Dash to Starr: "You have violated your obligations under the independent counsel statute and have unlawfully intruded on the power of impeachment."

Dash is one of the most experienced, most respected prosecutors in the country. He is especially respected because of his knowledge about high ethical standards. That's why Starr wanted and got him as a member of his team.

It is Dash's position that there is a difference between being an independent counsel with special privileges and powers, under a special law. And becoming an outright public advocate for impeachment.

Starr has taken a different attitude than the late Leon Jaworski, who was the special prosecutor in the Watergate criminal conspiracy case that eventually brought down Richard Nixon.

For one thing, Starr has made public secret grand jury testimony the likes of which Jaworski did not.

Starr calls what Dash has done now a "gentle disagreement."

Whether, as Democrats now say, Sam Dash's criticism of Starr's action is the final word from a giant of American jurisprudence on the methods, motives and ethics of Ken Starr, we will all simply have to wait and see.

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