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Cry Me A River

Seems the very emotional video of Bush 41 weeping -- shown last night on the CBS Evening News, and viewable again in the monitor -- displeased some people.

A viewer writes:

What is "newsworthy" about a former president - now a feeble old man - breaking down in public?

Is the Bush Dynasty now so established that we are going to suffer through the Camelot-type obsession that was once imposed upon us regarding the Kennedy Dynasty?

I invest time most days to watch the "Evening News" - in return, I expect... news. The reason that I waste no time whatsoever on the so-called "local news shows" is that they (all network affiliates) are full of fluff, nonsense and low-grade voyeurism that appeals to those with so little interest and perspective that they wish not to be bothered by topics that require the slightest investment of thinking or personal involvement and investment in any process of actual understanding. Like simple math to the football squad, I guess it makes their brains hurt.

Do you folks want to set yourself apart from the pack of what now passes for journalists? Stay on newsworthy topics. Help an electorate that is disassociated from the political process for which it is responsible - that is, the electorate as the most important "fourth branch of government" and the ultimate check and balance - to understand the deeper issues. Don't join your competitors in giving a "gloss over" to difficult subjects. Tell us both sides. Stay away from the bumper sticker mentality that permeates television and radio journalism. Help illuminate the reasons that the simple answers sought by most simply do not exist. Do not waste time on the peripheral nonsense that so captures the interest of CNN. Do not waste time on the highly partisan "pop analysis" that has become the stock in trade of Fox. Do not pander to the rich and powerful - NBC has appointed itself to be the lap dog for whoever is in power. Take a page from Dan Rather's book, and challenge your viewers to become involved.

I know your sponsors would prefer that you continue to appeal to the banality of the masses, so they can sell more soap.

But, many of us would prefer that you become different from the other guys, and be meaningful as news journalists.

That field is wide open.

Mark H. Goodrich
Reno, NV

Personally, I found it poignant. But that's me. I also cry at basketball games.

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