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Conyers: "This Is Not An Impeachment Hearing," But Republicans Say Otherwise

Despite claims by President Bush's critics and supporters, House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-Mich.) said today's session by the panel is not a prelude to impeachment.

"To the regret of many, this is not an impeachment hearing," Conyers said.

"To have an impeachment hearing, the House of Representatives has to vote to authorize an inquiry," which has not occurred yet, Conyers noted.

But Republicans disagreed with Conyers' assessment, saying the hearing was actually on impeaching Bush. Rep. Dan Lungren (R-Calif.) called it "impeachment lite," and said the committee has wandered into "Never-Never Land" by holding this hearing.

Lungren said the hearing "impugns him but does not impeach him, which maybe has the same effect in the court of public opinion."

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), who was a staffer during the impeachment proceedings against former President Nixon, pointed out that that effort took over 14 months, and the House never got to vote on a resolution

Lofgren, though, added that she thought Bush was "the worse president" in American history.

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