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Congressman's Husband Exults: 'Gabby Survives'

WASHINGTON (AP) - Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' husband says his wife continues to improve from a gunshot in the head last month, saying that "Thankfully, miraculously, Gabby survives."

Speaking to the National Prayer Breakfast, astronaut Capt. Mark Kelly said "I hadn't been a big believer in faith until just recently."

He said he told his recovering wife that "this event, horrible and tragic, was not merely random, that maybe something good can come from this."

Kelly didn't go into details about his wife's recuperation from being shot in the head at a Tucson shopping center less than a month ago. But he did say that, "Every day, she gets a little better." And he says doctors and neurosurgeons have told him "that's a great sign, the slope of that curve is very important."

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