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Column: America Must Retain Its Christian Principles

This story was written by Derek Coulson, Daily Toreador

"We have no government capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion, our constitution was meant for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Those are the exact words of John Adams.

"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that men claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness." Those are the words of George Washington.

Is it for any man to decide for a nation what is the moral right and wrong? I believe, as it has been set down by far more knowledgeable men, that the basis of that right and wrong is already decided.

The Supreme Court in 1896 ruled in the case of the Holy Trinity Church v. The United States that based upon a history of theological knowledge and from interpretations of this country's basic documents and of the men that created them, this is a Christian nation. No, not that we are defined by any one certain creed or sanction, but that these United States, set and established on July 4, 1776, are first subject to "the laws of Nature and Nature's God" as that Declaration lays out.

If we, as a nation, have affirmed ourselves to have an inherent Christian form of government laid by the fore fathers that established us, how has this been explained in history, and what impact should that have on us?

Onemust consider that with each new wave of colonization in America, the leaders of those colonies consistently established themselves under a Christian form of leadership. As was laid down in the ideals of Sir Walter Raleigh,"separating the state from any particular religion is right," and"separating state from God is an impossibility."

Each following charter of that Virginia colony recognized "the establishment of the Christian religion" to be one of the purposes of that grant. The Mayflower pilgrims undertook their mission for "the Glory of God and the advancement of the Christian religion."

William Penn wrote about his Pennsylvania colony that each person was entitled to a "freedom of conscience," but that "Almighty God being the only Lord of Conscience ... who does enlighten the minds and persuade and convince the understandings of the people." Penn, like every other leader was adamant in the free choice of each citizen to follow their religious beliefs at will, so long as those beliefs recognized the transcendence and superiority of God in all things.

We read in the Declaration of Independence that our Creator endows us with our inalienable, divinely inherited rights. In the same way the general assembly appealed to "the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude (good) of our intentions," we also appeal to the knowledge of the divine Creator in order to comprehend what is morally acceptable.

One would have to wonder then: If such is the state of our union, where is the cause for such division and upheaval on moral issues? If we are indeed endowed and created by a divine being, should we not recognize and heed the words of that supreme God?

I am amazed at the kind of schisms that run as currents through American philosophy. If the God that created us blessed us with this land and furthered our cause for the past 400 years is truly our creator, is it too much to ask for some acknowledgement of his will?

I am thankful to California, Arizona and Florida for taking a stand on gay rights last week. They proved that there is not only a remnant, but a large portion of people willing to heed the words of the almighty that "requires to maintain the peace and union of such a people, that there is an orderly and decent government estblished according to God."

If you reject this history, the rulings of our court and the dozens of documents laid out in defense of a God-endowed government. If you allow for and foment causes like abortion and gay rights, then is it not logical that we cease to be America, that we cease to be the nation that is "one nation, under God, indivisible"? What is the purpose for our cause if we cease to maintain the cause into which we were born?

Thomas Jefferson and the signers put it into more eloquent words than any of us can match:that this nation is established and furthered by God, with a "firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, our Sacred Honor." We must renew and restore that pledge.

This nation, with the innovative idea of placing the power of decision with the people, demands that this people make its choices with wisdom and acknowledgement of the history from which we have come. The authority of God is inscribed in our very law, and for the sustaining of this country, for the continuance of our cause, we must recognize that providence of Him in how we are to perpetuate this union for this generation now, and for those to follow.

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