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Clinton To Help Gore

CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller reports the White House confirms that the President will do a series of fund-raising events for Vice President Al Gore next month in Arkansas.

In addition, Mr. Clinton will do four dinners for Gore: Two on Aug. 10 and two on Sept.22 in Washington.

White House spokesman Joe Lockhart says the President always had planned to take part in Gore's fund-raising effort.

It has been reported that Mr. Clinton was upset by criticism by Gore of his personal conduct as president.

Meanwhile, on the stump in Iowa, Gore Wednesday will propose a sharp increase in federal funding to hire new drug agents and a doubling of the areas where police target trafficking in illegal drugs.

Gore said his proposal would be "the most effective and comprehensive anti-crime strategy our nation has seen."

Gore was set to travel to Waukee, the site of a big methamphetamine bust, to unveil a rural crime-fighting package with a heavy focus on combating the highly addictive drug.

Included in the package, obtained by the Associated Press, are:

  • Increasing Drug Enforcement Administration efforts to shut down illegal meth labs and hiring 100 new DEA agents.
  • Doubling the number of areas designated as high intensity drug trafficking, a designation that brings additional federal funds and attention. There are currently 20 such areas.
  • Providing funding to expand drug education programs in rural schools, as well as increasing treatment and prevention programs in rural areas.
  • Launching a new media advertising campaign, specifically targeted to rural areas.

Earlier this week, Gore proposed an anti-crime package focused at urban areas and was using a two-day campaign swing through Iowa to focus on rural crime efforts.

Gore faces opposition only from former New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley for the Democratic nomination and is ahead in most early polling. Drug issues, and particularly meth, have been high profile in Iowa where the number of meth labs dismantled has mushroomed.

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