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Choosing Qatar for World Cup 2022: 100 Degrees and No Beer

I'm not sure if we should be offended or embarrassed. But news today from soccer's governing body that the 2022 World Cup will not be held in the United States. The good old USA lost out to Qatar. That's right Qatar, a country of just over a million people that has oodles of money. It is one of those gleaming oil and natural gas-fueled Emirates with lots of cool new skyscrapers and a rapidly ascending GDP. Perhaps the soccer folks decided on Qatar because they knew the country could afford it. We, on the other hand, are hopelessly broke. But, Qatar, while gleaming, isn't all that much fun. Soccer fans like to have a beer or two before a big match and it's hard to find a beer in Qatar. Let a lone a bar. And did anyone notice the temperature there routinely shoots past 100 in the summer -- 100 degrees and no beer. That really is no fun.

Just a Minute... I'm Harry Smith, CBS News

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