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Chances Narrow For U2 Guitarist's Malibu Proposal

LOS ANGELES (AP) - A coastal development agency has recommended officials reject U2 guitarist The Edge's vision for a cluster of mansions that would look like nothing more than scattered leaves on a ridgeline overlooking Malibu.

The proposal by The Edge includes five homes ranging from 7,220 to 12,785 square feet to be built on a ridgeline in the Santa Monica Mountains. In a statement, the guitarist has said the mansions will be some of the most environmentally sensitive ever designed in the world.

But the pitch has not gotten far with neighboring residents, environmental groups and even the National Park Service, which raised concerns about biological and visual impacts in such sensitive habitat.

Staff for the California Coastal Commission, the coastal development agency whose permission is critical for the project to move forward, issued a final recommendation saying the board should reject the project at its meeting this week.

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