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Celine Dion talks music, mommyhood and maturity

Celine Dion may be one of the hardest working moms in show business. Her family has grown by two and she's about to light up Las Vegas again.

CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller recently sat down with the superstar for more on her life and all its changes.

It's been a big 12 months for Dion. Last October the then-42-year-old singer and her husband Rene welcomed the birth of twin boys - Nelson and Eddy - after years of unsuccessful attempts at more children.

Then in March, Las Vegas welcomed her with open arms as she signed on to perform at Caesar's Palace. The promotional poster says it all - "Celine's back!"

Dion told Miller, "For me it's great, because, for me, 70 shows a year is just enough to get my Ya Yas out. ... So I can have a good time and then I can go with my kids and have a good time, too."

Miller said, "I think a lot of people would like to know how you do it all. I mean, first of all the fact that you aren't exhausted all the time. Or are you?"

"I am! Some days I am," Dion replied. "Like, for example, my twins are going to be a year old already soon - they are not sleepers - at all. And I am the kind of mom who responds to any (makes baby sound). And I wake up about 12 times, 10 to 12 times a night. Maybe they are trying to kill me."

And if the twins aren't enough, there's her 10-year-old son, Rene Charles who offers a different kind of mothering challenge - something a lot of us moms can relate to.

"Like when I go to class I want him to give me a kiss," Dion said.

Miller offered, "Not having it?"

"He doesn't want to show it in front of his friends," Dion said, adding, "Forget about it."

Miller said, "I know, it breaks my heart."

"Me too! It breaks my heart," Dion said. "And then he joins me in bed in the middle of the night because he can't sleep!"

Having been in show business since she was a teenager, Dion is used to being an open book, and she recently invited cameras into her home for an upcoming special on Oprah Winfrey's OWN Network. The singer says it shows that she is just like any other mother.

That may be a tough argument to sell. Of course, one price of fame is facing criticism - sometimes harsh criticism. Her 1997 Oscar-winning hit "My Heart Will Go On" from the Titanic soundtrack was recently named one of the worst songs of the '90s in a Rolling Stone poll. Dion remains unfazed.

"'My Heart Will Go On' is for me a classic," she said. "And to be part of a classic is something I feel very proud of."

She's proud of a lot right now: sold-out shows, a beautiful family, and a renewed sense of purpose.

"I feel grown, and mature," Dion told Miller. "I still love singing very much. But I think the fact that I don't feel like I need to, or to prove myself, then I feel like it's smoother - better in a way."

You can catch Celine Dion's documentary on the OWN network this Saturday at 9 p.m. ET. And in addition to everything she has going on now, Dion told Miller she's working on a new album for release next year.

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