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Campaign Finances

These charts provide a snapshot of the financial health of the three major candidates' campaigns. Below, you can see how much they raised during February, their total receipts and spending and how much money they have in the bank as of the end of last month. The candidates reported their totals to the FEC on March 20, for the period ending Feb. 29.

February '08 Money Raised

Total Money Raised

• Clinton transferred $10,000,000 from Senate campaign; total also includes $5,000,000 personal loan

• McCain has total loans of $3,921,697

Cash on Hand

• Clinton reports $8.7 million in debt and $21.7 million of the money is saved for general election campaign

• Obama reports $625,000 in debt and $8.2 million of the money is saved for general election campaign

• McCain reports $4,340,981 in debt and $2.9 million of the money is saved for general election campaign

Total Spent

Totals as of Feb. 29, 2008. Sources: Federal Election Commission, Associated Press

Click here for previous monthly fundraising tallies by all candidates.

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