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Bonnie Hunt Is Revved Up In 'Cars'

Bonnie Hunt is often called one of the most talented voices in comedy. For the third time, she's lending her voice to a Pixar animated film, "Cars."

Hunt stopped by The Early Show on Monday to speak with co-anchor Hannah Storm about her role as "Sally Carrera," a Porsche who has left life in the fast lane behind but has kept a bit of her edge.

"Anything Pixar does, you know, I really just am in awe of them and thrilled to be included in anything they do," the actress says. She also voiced parts in "Monster, Inc.," and "A Bug's Life."

Asked why she decided to do another film with Pixar, Hunt said, "When I first landed at Pixar, I felt like I found this creative oasis with John Lasseter ... It's what you thought Hollywood was going to be. I wanted to be a story teller so badly."

But Hollywood turned out to be different than Hunt imagined.

"I thought it was going to be this collaborative team effort with all these talented and people and without egos and no fear," she says. "But Pixar, it is a great experience. It's all about the teamwork. You can see this beautiful artistry. These people are incredible artists. It's a strong story. It's a great process. They have a great creative process. They trust it, they get it, and they're just really wise."

Speaking about playing a Porsche, Hunt jokes, "It's the nicest body I've ever had on film. I'm telling you, it's a luxury. I really thought they were going to cast me as a Buick."

During the course of the film, Hunt did not have a chance to meet co-star Paul Newman, who voices the part of "Doc Hudson." But she did get a chance to hang out with the star at a NASCAR track in North Carolina.

"Paul's a gentleman. He's got a great sense of humor. He's a legend," she says. "And to be with him and just laugh with him and talk with him is a real thrill for me. And, you know, he and his wife have given $200 million to charity from Newman's Own. And he talks a lot about that he's been really lucky. And I think that there's just a lot of goodness in that man, and it's a nice example."

In the film, actor Owen Wilson voiced Sally Carrera's romantic counterpart, Lightning McQueen.

"Owen was great," Hunt says. "We had a lot of fun in our recording sessions together. And, you know, there's definitely a chemistry there of, you know, just that mutual respect for both of us to have the humor, and we really got a kick out of playing these roles. I mean, we're both grateful to be working at Pixar, and I think it shows in the movie."

"Now you're in all these great movies that are just going to be there for ever and ever, for generations of kids. That must be really fun for you," Storm remarks.

"It is," says Hunt. "It's a thrill. The thing about Pixar, they don't do the 'trend is your friend.' They're really about timeless story telling, and that's pretty great."

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