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Bill Murray to host Christmas special on Netflix

Hipsters rejoice: Bill Murray and director Sofia Coppola are teaming up for a holiday special on Netflix called "A Very Murray Christmas."

The trailer shows Murray singing, accompanied by former "Late Show" bandleader Paul Shaffer, and plenty of Rockette-like dancers.

The special is also chock full of celebrities, including George Clooney, Chris Rock, Amy Poehler, Jason Schwartzman, Michael Cera, Maya Rudolph and Rashida Jones. Did we mention Miley Cyrus is in it, too? Hopefully she and Murray won't perform naked.

Murray said he will be singing lots of classic Christmas carols, but most of the special is still up in the air.

"It's not going to be live," Murray told Variety. "We're going to do it like a little movie. It won't have a format, but it's going to have music. It will have texture. It will have threads through it that are writing. There will be prose."

Coppola said, "Not sure when it will air, but my motivation is to hear him singing my song requests."

Tell us: What are your song requests for Bill Murray?

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