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Big Brother: All-Stars

So it's "Big Brother" time again plus it's live eviction and the HOH competition. Who will be evicted, James or Kaysar?

We start off with Kaysar working everyone for their votes and good for him. That's what he should do. He pleads to Erika and all she can say is, "Let me think about it," and Chicken George states that he does not want to see him leave.

How is Chicken George still here by the way? That's crazy! But what is even more crazy is that Will and Boogie are still here after all these days. Everyone came into the game knowing they both were threats not only because they play to win and care about no one else, but that Will is the only winner in the game. They are working the house left and right and it is so entertaining to watch.

We get a little more info into Will and Boogie's life with some clips from their moms, who seem like your regular mom, only with children who love to shake things up. Good for them. We need more people like them on reality TV.

Onto elimination. Chicken George is again dressed like he would be for a Halloween party with a big fake pipe in his mouth and a suit on with his chest hair popping out. Both Kaysar and James state their final words which are pretty basic. James also won the chance to cancel a vote at last week's competition. He doesn't waste any time using that to cancel Janelle's, which is smart because she is obviously voting to evict him along with Howie.

Unfortunately, the rest of the house votes to evict Kaysar and he is asked to leave. Damn. I really wanted James to leave. Mostly because I love Janelle and he is gunning for her, big time.

Kaysar makes his way to see Julie Chen on his birthday. Better luck on that birthday next year Kaysar! And Julie decides to tell Kaysar that James has turned on his whole alliance and him. I have never seen such shock as I did in his face. All of his goodbye videos from his housemates — especially from Will and Boogie — all repeat the same thing: "James has turned on your alliance."

Gosh, that James really makes me mad. What a traitor! Kaysar looks so stunned he can't even comment. Let's hope we can today on "The Early Show" and "Housecalls." I want to see him rip James a new one.

We then get to see that the "BB" house is haunted. At random times, faces of past "BB" houseguests show up in the mirrors of the house. It's hilarious to see Janelle, Erika and Boogie (seems like he is a bit of a scaredy cat) freak out when they see it. I also thought it was very creepy.

Each old "BB" houseguest like Holly, Bunky, Eric, Allison, etc. take an item from the house and show it to the guests. These will all become questions later for the "BB" HOH competition. But what was scarier than the ghosts was seeing Kaysar sitting with the group watching the ghosts. Didn't he just get voted off? Editing, hello!

The HOH competition is another Q&A. They are asked true and false questions about the ghosts of "BB" past that they saw earlier. Quickly, everyone gets eliminated, but I have to say Howie got a raw deal. He clearly hit his buzzer but the light didn't go on so he was eliminated. Not fair, I call a do over!

We come down to HOH going to either James or Erika. Please no James, and my prayers are answered — Erika takes home HOH.

I think Erika is going to put up Janelle for sure because she put her up a few weeks ago. Karma, here she comes! Who will it be? Find out Sunday.

A twist called the coup d'etat was also entered into the game.

This will be an award given to whichever housemate can guess a "BB" saying by getting clues. Once you feel you know the "BB" saying, you answer in the diary room in private. You only get one guess and only the winner will know who they are. The first clue was a sheep in the "BB" house. Hmmm, could the saying be "a wolf in sheep's clothing"? It sounds too easy.

The coup d'etat is the ability to OVERTHROW the current HOH and nomination right before eviction. WOW, that really shakes things up but I think that it is a little unfair. Sounds the same as the hidden immunity idol clause on the last "Survivor."

This should be good. I love "BB"!

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