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Biden Tries To Keep Colorado Out Of The Red

From CBS News' Ryan Corsaro:

(COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO.) - Joe Biden heads into his second day of campaigning in Colorado for Barack Obama today, hoping to sway more voters in a state that's already leaning towards the Democratic ticket.

If so, the state could shed its red state record for the past three elections and become a blue state in 2008.

Colorado, now with nine electoral votes, has not voted for a Democratic ticket since 1992 when Bill Clinton and Al Gore pulled in what was only eight electoral votes at the time.

A RealClearPolitics average of recent poll numbers shows Obama up by five and a half points.

Biden started in Greeley on Tuesday, appearing with Greeley City Council member Charles Archibeque, a Republican who is voting for Obama in this election. Archibeque cited eight years of "failed economic policy" as the main reason he had switched his loyalty to the Democratic candidate.

Coasting on the negative effect that Wall Street's sour times have had on the Republican poll numbers, Biden told a crowd in Commerce City that an Obama administration's approach would be fundamentally different than their opponents.

"It is really in a sense one of the most simple, straight-forward electoral choices in modern American history. Look, let those tax cuts expire for the very wealthy and instead provide substantial relief to the middle class," said Biden.

"It's not only fair, it's necessary. So they can pay their mortgages. So they can send their kids to college. So they can pay for health insurance. Ladies and gentlemen, grow middle class, grow small business, and the economy will grow. It's that basic," he added.

Later, at a surprise stop in Parker at an Obama campaign office, Biden mixed it up with volunteers, many of which were too young to vote in this election. Recognizing that fact, Biden told the young crowd that he had won his Senate seat by going to as many local high schools as possible, claiming "you have more influence on your parents than they have on you" when it comes to voting.

Biden spoke of an encounter he had earlier in the day with who he said was a Hispanic man that approached him and told Biden to bring "our kids" home from Iraq.

"And before I knew it, before I could say no," said Biden, his eyes getting watery, "he pinned this on my lapel. It's a gold star. The only way you get a gold star is if you lose a child in battle."

"Wow," responded many in the room.

"And folks," said Biden, his throat tightening a bit, "that's the second reason why I'm running. We're going to end this war."

"Amen!" a man shouted as volunteers applauded, several wiping their eyes.

Biden campaigns today in Colorado Springs and Pueblo before traveling this evening to another state Obama and Biden are trying to turn from red to blue, North Carolina.

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