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BBQ this 4th of July? Be prepared to work off those pounds

Health tips around "food holidays" like the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving often revolve around watching your calories, but do people truly know how many they are consuming from their favorite foods -- and more importantly, how much exercise it would take to burn the calories off?

The "Diet Detective" Dr. Charles Platkin doesn't think so. That's why instead of just tossing out a number like "300 calories," he goes one step further. Platkin, a distinguished professor at the Hunter College School of Urban Public Health in New York City, reviews data and painstakingly analyzes tape of exercise to determine what exercises are required to burn off your favorite foods this barbecue season.

For example, cheeseburgers can pack a lot of calories -- especially when they're topped with all the trimmings: cheese, bacon, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc. Platkin found that a 6-ounce burger with a bun and all the toppings adds up to 700 calories. To burn this off, pick up a racquet -- because you'll need a marathon badminton session lasting nearly 133 nonstop minutes to shed that weight.

To figure out how much you're going to work out to work off those calories, click here.

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