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Armstrong Riding 3rd in Return to Tour

Tour de France riders were back on the road again Tuesday, heading toward the halfway mark in the world's most famous bicycle race.

Seven-time champion Lance Armstrong is currently in third place - back this year after dabbling with retirement. He's discovering that even he can't just pick up where he left off, reports CBS News correspondent Mark Phillips.

"The break away, the three or four years has been harder than I expected," said Armstrong. "I don't feel old, but the time away, the time out of competition - that race intensity you can't replicate in any training."

Armstrong is as famous for his victory over cancer as for winning races, but this year is different. He's fighting not just the riders from other teams, but another star on his own team, Spaniard Alberto Contador, who is currently sitting just ahead of him in second place.

The punishing climbs through the Alps, where Armstrong is known to triumph, are still to come next week. Those mountains will determine whether the phenomenal story of Lance Armstrong is over... or still rolling along.

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