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Apple's iMac Excitement

Apple generates iMac excitement. With more than 150 thousand orders in advance, Apple's sleek, new 13 hundred dollar computer, the iMac, is off to a great start. Apple's VP for Worldwide Sales, Mitch Mandich...

"The orders are coming from retail stores across the United States and Canada. A lot of those stores already have bookings for those orders from their customers and we've also been very successful in K through 12 and in higher education."

Some big universities, including Yale and Dartmouth, are recommending iMacs for student purchases. The machine looks different, with its rounded translucent case, than any other. Mandich says that has a lot to do with the excitement...

"Of course you have to have great technology, but it's the ease of use of this and the fashion statement. So when you look at taking this machine out of the box and plugging one cord into the wall and plugging the keyboard into the computer, you get complete access to the Internet within ten minutes."

All of the connections, including keyboard and mouse, use the universal serial bus or USB port. That could cause some inconvenience for early buyers... until serial and parallel USB adapters are on the market along with more USB devices.

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