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Amazon's zShops... Instant E-Commerce

The company that has pioneered online commerce,, is much more than an online bookseller these days. And the company's latest moves could ignite a revolution in e-commerce. It has been five years since Jeff Bezos launched This year, he ousted Bill Gates from the head of Time Digital's list of the most important people shaping technology today. The zShops to allow anyone to set up an online shop, through Amazon....

"zShops is the easiest way to set up shop online and to access's 12 million customers. So anyone from an individual to a mega-conglomerate to a micro-manufacturer... I just like the word mega-conglomerate.... can set up shop on zShops. The second thing is payments."
With zShops, Amazon handles all of the credit card processing for you. You can be in business as a zShop for 9.99 a a percentage of sales ranging between two and five percent. What it does for Amazon, is turn the site into a virtual mall that will sell anything and everything. At launch, there were more than half a million items available...

"More than four times as many items as you'd find at a typical mass merchant."
You can find more information and start your business in minutes at

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