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Alpine coaster: the thrill ride with no brakes

(CBS) - Winter is almost upon us. The skiers in the audience are probably excited at the prospect of snow, chilly winter mornings and speeding down a mountain face. But who needs snow? Hop on a flight to beautiful Mieders, Austria and you can get all the thrills of bombing down the hill without the chill. But you better have the stomach for roller coasters, because this ride looks intense!

Yikes! It's called an alpine coaster, and it's basically a sled attached to a rail. As the YouTube description explains:

You reach the summit via a cablecar and then sit on a small car with a brake lever and off you go. Having ridden it once using a little braking, I decided to try it a second time without using the brakes. This is SCARY! Enjoy the ride!

That looks SCARY even with brakes.

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