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Alex's Lemonade Stands Still Going Strong

Just before her first birthday, doctors found a malignant tumor on Alex Scott's spine.

It marked the beginning of a remarkable story that continues today, almost three years after Alex passed away at the age of 8.

As The Early Show national correspondent Tracy Smith reported, little Alex wasn't content to fight the cancer within her. During her remarkable life, she decided to fight the disease itself, head-on.

Doctors said Alex would never walk, but she kept trying to get up, and eventually did.

Then, Alex started a lemonade stand in front of her house to raise money for research into childhood cancer.

Word of the sick, brave child trying to help other sick children spread and, Smith said, Alex's lemonade stands popped up across the country, and a small trickle of donations became a stream, and eventually, a flood.

In the year she died, Alex's stands met her goal of $1 million in donations, with a generous one from Volvo putting the movement over that magic number.

That number has grown to more than $10 million, and the foundation started in Alex's name and memory has a $7 million target for this year.

The Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) is challenging all 50 states to have lemonade stands during the fourth annual Lemonade Days, June 8-10, 2007. So far, more than 1,000 are registered in 35 states, the foundation says.

Alex's parents, Jay and Liz Scott, and her three brothers — Patrick, Eddie and Joey, who range in age from 4 to 12 — stopped by The Early Show plaza, where Tracy was at a makeshift stand.

"My No. 1 thought," Liz said, in explaining why it's important to her to carry on Alex's legacy, "was really for other parents, and other kids who were going through it. And I felt like Alex worked hard, even at the end of her life, to create something that would last and help others. And I really felt an obligation, and a great honor, to continue it in her memory."

For more on the foundation, and to get involved yourself, click here.

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