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A Healthy Chocolate Halloween

As Halloween approaches, parents are steeling themselves to keep their children from eating too much of the trick-or-treat candy that comes with the fall tradition. CBS News Health Correspondent Dr. Emily Senay reports on a well-loved sweet that has gotten a bad reputation: chocolate.

Following are some myths and truths about the confection, and what parents can do to counteract its sugary effects.

It Causes Acne.
Myth. Despite the age-old tales, eating chocolate does not cause pimples. Repeated studies show that there's no relationship between chocolate and acne. No specific food causes the problem, doctors say. The real cause of acne for teens is one that can't be avoided - hormones.

It Makes Kids Hyperactive.
Myth. Parents worry that if their kids eat chocolate they'll start zipping around the house. While there is caffeine in chocolate, there probably isn't enough to make children hyperactive unless they eat too much of it. An ounce of milk chocolate has about as much caffeine as an entire cup of decaffeinated coffee. However, the sugar in chocolate could be what has kids bouncing off the walls.

It Causes Tooth Decay.
Truth. Candy can cause cavities. To minimize the problem, make sure your kids brush their teeth soon after eating candy. The longer that sugar is left on the teeth, the more damage it can do. Staying away from chewy caramels or toffees may also help, as they are harder to brush off.

It Causes Weight Gain.
Myth. Some parents worry about their children gaining weight during Halloween. The answer may be to let them have their fun during the holiday. Going through a lot of candy once in a while won't make a child overweight as long as parents limit snacks afterwards, when the Halloween loot is gone.

Reported By Dr. Emily Senay

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