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1999 A Look Back


As the century comes to a close CBS News remembers 1999 - a year filled with violent school shootings,
the president's acquittal, the passing of a Kennedy, and stocks soaring to new heights.

Story of the Year

Military maneuvers overseas and a soaring Dow paled in comparison to the political turns and gunplay in the United States. A quick overview of some top headlines, and the Story of the Year as reported by CBS News' Bobbi Harley.

Top Stories from Around the Globe

Mother Nature rocked Turkey, U.S. bombs rocked a Chinese embassy, and Kosovo dominated the international headlines. CBS News' Lisa Hughes reports.

The Impeachment of the President

President Clinton may have survived impeachment, but the effects of his behavior and its fallout resonated all year at the White House and on Capitol Hill. CBS News' Lee Cowan looks back at a troubled year for the president and the things he tried to get done.

Medical Headlines

Medical science made some important breakthroughs in 1999, most notable in cancer and gene reseach. CBS News' Lee Cowan has a look at the big medical stories of the year.

High-Tech Headlines

From the Microsoft anti-trust case, to Y2K, to email virus, to an e-commerce explosion, 1999 was a technology driven year. CBS News' Drew Levinson explains.

The Markets Soar

This was the year of the online investor, day-traders and brokerage giants. Americans logged on to the Internet to change the face of investing. A review by CBS MarketWatch's Alexis Christoforous.

The Year in Entertainment

Young, hot sounds from south of the border moved into the mainstream in 1999. CBS News' Manuel Gallegus checks out the big entertainment news of the year, from movies to music.

Saying Goodbye: Notable Passings

From Joe DiMaggio to John F. Kennedy, Jr., 1999 was a year of notable passings. CBS News looks back in this video montage.

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