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What To Do, When A Tiger Attacks You

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And you thought that raccoon that keeps getting into your trash can was a nuisance. In northern Malaysia, a guy hunting squirrels with a blow gun was attacked Saturday by a tiger. And no, the blow gun would not have been effective against the big cat. Squirrels, yes; tiger, no.  The guy's life was saved by ... wait for it, wait for it ... a wooden soup ladle. Wielded expertly, obviously, by his wife, who heard him screaming.

Let's think about this for a second. There you are, minding your own business, out doing some squirrel hunting, when a tiger attacks you.  This is not your typical bad day. Tambun Gediu tried to climb a tree to get away, but the tiger dragged him down.  He smacked it in the face a couple of times, but that didn't help either.  Finally, his wife catches up to him (them), and thwacks el tigre with the aforementioned soup ladle.  The tiger ran off. Thank God she heard him; and that she wasn't making sandwiches. Wife of the Week is 55.  And from this day forward, if she wants him to get her a drink, or rub her feet, he'd better be there.  (Source: BBC)

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