Video Capturing Girl Getting Scolded By Shopper For Selling Candy Outside Target Goes Viral
ROWLAND HEIGHTS ( — An altercation between a woman, man, and a girl selling candy outside a Rowland Heights Target has gone viral, racking up more than five million views and nearly 70,000 shares.
"I showed it to friends and family, not intending it to go viral at all and I guess people just started sharing it and sharing it," said Andy Lizarraga, who posted the cellphone video on her Facebook last week.
She did so after walking out of the store and witnessing a woman she says was harassing a teenage girl for selling candy for $1.
"She comes up to the little kid and is like, 'Where is your license? Have you asked permission to be here?' And then the kid is like, 'No, I'm just selling candy. I'm trying to make some money,' " Lizarraga said.
"She continued to yell at her and scream at her and tell her if she didn't have a permit, that she was going to go to jail, that Sheriff's were on their way," said Jay Lopez, who walked up behind her.
Lopez said that when he walked up the girl was in tears.
"When I walked up, she was crying hysterically," he said.
He decided to stop the back-and-forth by offering to buy the entire lot of candy.
He ultimately purchased $80 worth of candy and handed them out to fellow shoppers passing by.
"Mind your own business. Take care of yourself and your family and everything will come together for you," he said.
With millions of hits, Lizarraga's inbox has been flooded.
She has heard from the woman's daughter, asking her to take the video down, but she hasn't heard from the little girl.
It's unclear what the girl was selling the candy for. Lopez said her older brother was also selling outside the store.