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The Grossest Thing Ever to Get its Own Museum

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So the California Science Center in Expo Park will get the retired Space Shuttle EndevourPfffffffffft. If we ever intend on making it into the Bigs, maybe we should  look to our trend-setting friends in Ukraine.  Now there's a place where they know culture.
Welcome to the newly opened Pig Fat Museum. In this picture, the Pig Fat Museum is holding the rapt attention of a man who appears to be Matt Lauer, and a woman who has been awarded a framed certificate for her emotional depiction of someone trying to kiss a giant plastic heart that's trapped inside a phone booth.
The Pig Fat Museum (you  just can't use that phrase enough, can you Kent? -Ed.) actually is called the Salo Museum. Salo is what Ukrainians call ... wait for it ... pig fat. Apparently, salo is a bacon-like staple in Eastern Europe.  And now it has its own museum. Ummm, if you're interested in going, it's on Svobodi Avenue, in Liviv. Don't know if you should get your tickets online.
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