State Approves $100 Million For LA River Restoration
SACRAMENTO ( — The California Legislature on Monday approved $100 million in Proposition 1 funding for restoration of the 51-mile Los Angeles River.
Proposition 1 is a $7.5 billion water bond measure passed in 2014 to address California's water infrastructure needs. Included in Proposition 1 was funding for the restoration of the L.A. River.
"Study after study has shown communities with green space and community parks have significantly reduced health risks, including lower rates of cancer, asthma and obesity," Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, D-Lakewood, said in a statement. "I've advocated for restoring the L.A. River and fought for this funding so residents of the Southeast can see an improvement in their quality of life."
River LA's Executive Director Omar Brownson praised the leadership of Rendon and Senate President Pro-Tem Kevin de León in securing the funds.
"There are 2,100 acres of land within the flood-control channel that we want to unlock for increased public benefit," Brownson said in a statement. "This investment is key to moving this vision forward."
The $100 million in funding will be split between the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy.