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RV encampment causes problems for Pacoima neighborhood

Pacoima neighbors express frustrations surrounding troublesome RV encampment
Pacoima neighbors express frustrations surrounding troublesome RV encampment 02:19

People living in a Pacoima neighborhood went to their city leaders to relay their frustrations about an RV encampment causing some problems for residents. 

Teresa Paniagua was one of several residents who voiced their concerns at a recent Pacoima Neighborhood Council meeting. She wants the encampment moved and for city officials to know it causes a big public safety issue for neighbors. Paniagua said that over the past two years, as the RVs have grown in number along Bradley Avenue near the Pacoima Wash, their quality of life has gone down. 

"We are like scared all the time," she said. "I want peace in my neighborhood so we can sleep well every day."

Paniagua said since the encampment started growing, someone has broken into her house to steal her belongings at least three times. She said security video caught one of the RV residents hopping over her gate and stealing tools from her yard. She added that someone stole her husband's catalytic converter while it was parted in their driveway. 

"I couldn't sleep since I've seen the crime," she said. "It's hard to live there."

Many neighbors said they feel unsafe going outside and walking their kids to school because of the drug paraphernalia on the ground, the unsanitary conditions and the unleashed pets coming from the encampment. 

"It's really concerning, very concerning as residents of Pacoima," Pacoima Neighborhood Council President Mikayeel Khan said. 

Khan added that he is glad residents spoke up for their community, and promised the council would take the issue seriously. It will go before the safety committee next week. 

"Once we do, it goes to our council board meeting and then we are going to vote for a CIS letter, which is a community impact statement, which goes to the city of Los Angeles," Khan said. 

In the meantime, Paniagua and her daughter started a petition to get help from the LA City Council and the LA Police Department. 

"We are tired of those things," she said. "If the people could sign the petition, it would be great."

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