Residents Sound Off Over Plane Noise From Burbank, Van Nuys Airports
BURBANK (CBSLA) — People who live in Studio City sounded off Wednesday night about the increased noise from flights at the Burbank and Van Nuys airports at the first meeting of the Southern San Fernando Valley Airplane Noise Task Force.
Area residents packed the room at the Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport hotel holding signs with the slogan, "Fix It Now!". One woman even played a recording of the noise caused by the planes that she was able to capture.
"That was eight planes in 24 minutes over Stone Canyon," she said. "This is what we're living with. It's inhumane."
The task force was set up to help tackle the noise problem that residents said has increased ever since the flight path for planes leaving the airports changed allowing planes to turn above the neighborhoods at a lower altitude.
"We had no notice, and even our elected representatives were caught unaware," another woman said. "This path is illegitimate."
The task force plans to hold more meetings in the future.