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Nutrition: Health Begins With What We Put In Our Bodies

Hi Everybody!

I've never "blogged"'s my first time. I thought I'd start a blog on wellness... as it's something that I'm very interested in. When I say wellness, I believe that incorporates anything from nutrition, to fitness, to nature to anything that makes you feel peaceful. Overall health and well-being.

I will share my findings, and also can't wait to hear your thoughts and tips on all of the above!

I'll start with nutrition. I think wellness begins with what we put in our bodies. It just makes sense.

I've been a vegan for 3 years now. Which means I don't eat anything that comes from animals...including dairy. Yes, I cheat now and then. Especially the occasional sushi or dessert. But overall I feel it's the healthiest for me to stick to a plant based diet. To put it simply, (straight out of 'The China Study' book): "Eat a whole foods, plant-based diet, while minimizing the consumption of refined foods, added salt and fats."

One of my favorite things about living here in Southern California is all the healthy alternatives we have. Not only do we have all the fresh fruits and veggies from our local farmers, but it's also easy to go almost anywhere in town and find a delicious vegan meal, no problem! I would love to hear some of your favorite vegan restaurants, as I am always looking for new places. A few around the station I love are Hugo's, Vegan Plate, SunPower Natural Cafe and Madeleine Bistro. Yum. If I'm short on time, I can always pop into Whole Foods for something quick and nutritious.

I also find it's pretty easy to make simple, healthy vegan meals at home. One of my favorite things to do is go to the Farmer's Market and make a fresh, tasty meal for friends and family....they don't even notice it's vegan anymore! Here is my most popular treat:

Brushetta With a Twist

  • Brush olive oil onto french bread, rub with garlic. Broil till warm and golden brown.
  • In a bowl, mix avocado and lemon juice. Spread onto bread. Cut up fresh tomato, red onion and basil and put on top!

Simple and always a crowd pleaser.


If you are interested on reading more on this topic, here are some books that I love and have found to be very informative:

The China Study by T.Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M. Campbell II, MD
Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin
Thrive by Brendan Brazier

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