No Oxnard Parents Show Up To Protest Teacher's Alleged Hardcore Porn Career
OXNARD (CBS) — Parents were invited to a school board meeting Wednesday evening to express their concerns after an Oxnard middle school teacher was placed on paid leave for allegedly dabbling in hardcore pornography.
However, not one parent with a student at Haydock Intermediate School attended, according to CBS2's Suraya Fadel.
The school board confirms parents were invited to the regularly scheduled meeting, but acknowledges that no extra effort was made to let them know they could address the situation.
"It was very unfortunate that we learned from both students and staff at Haydock Intermediate School that a teacher at the school may have participated in a pornographic video," Oxnard School District Superintendent Jeff Chancer said at Wednesday's meeting.
Victor Manriquez, who has an 11-year-old daughter, says he felt morally obligated to show up. Manriquez told Fadel in Spanish that he was disappointed in parents who failed to attend the meeting and appear to be uninterested in the scandal that's unfolding at Haydock.
Officials say the 30-year-old science teacher, who is not facing any criminal charges, will remain unidentified to protect her privacy.
Teachers and staffers from other Oxnard schools have been instructed not to talk to reporters about the scandal.