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Large Brawl At Mall Leads To Pandemonium At Westfield Culver City

CULVER CITY (  — A large fight at the Westfield Culver City mall Saturday led to pandemonium at the facility, officials said.

The mall, formerly known as the Fox Hills Mall, was unable to handle a brawl between as many as 50 juveniles.

Culver City Police were dispatched to handle the brawl. A SWAT team was also dispatched.

Reports of a male with a gun, or an active shooter on scene, appeared to be erroneous.

After police arrived, teens running through the mall appeared to set off panic among some shoppers.

There were no reports of arrests or injuries.

The erroneous reports led to a large police presence and a mass exodus from the mall.

KCAL9's Jennifer Kastner reported from the scene.

The incident occurred around 5:30 p.m.

Officers found no evidence of a shooter, active or otherwise.

Culver City Police told Kastner there were also a series of brawls in the parking lot.

She spoke to several young people who were leaving the mall who said there was some type of fight "event" posted on Instagram inviting strangers to show up and fight with each other but police were not able to confirm that.

Police later told Kasnter that as many as 150 teenagers were outside the mall fighting  -- some by the valet area, others by a nearby gas station -- so it took officers awhile to disperse the crowds.

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