LA Zoo, Aquarium Of The Pacific Close For 3 Weeks Under Regional Stay-At-Home Order
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — Local zoos, aquariums and some park facilities have shut down for the next three weeks as shrinking ICU capacity in Southern California triggered a fresh regional stay-at-home order.
The Los Angeles Zoo tweeted it would be officially closed Monday in compliance with Gov. Gavin Newsom's regional stay home order. The new order was triggered after Los Angeles County's ICU capacity reached 13.1% over the weekend.
The new stay-at-home order prohibits all gatherings of people, with the exceptions of outdoor worship and protests. Only critical infrastructure and schools that have reopened with COVID-19 safety guidelines in place are allowed to continue operating, and retail stores are required to now limit their indoor capacity to 20%. Under the new order, which will be in effect for at least three weeks, restaurants may only continue to operate with takeout or delivery service.
And even though parks and most trails will remain open for outdoor recreation, public outdoor playgrounds in LA County have been closed and overnight stays at campgrounds across the state are no longer permitted.
The regional stay-at-home order is not as strict as the spring lockdown, but still prompts the closure of landmarks that draw crowds like the Los Angeles Zoo, the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach and parts of Griffith Park.
The Aquarium, in particular, is asking its patrons to give them a little extra help to survive this new lockdown.
Besides the Los Angeles Zoo, the Griffith Parkline, the Observatory, Travel Town, the Wisdom Tree Trail and the Burbank Peak Trail will also be closed in Griffith Park.
Griffith Park's golf courses will be open, but tee times will be limited and people may only play with others from the same household.