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Kevin Paffrath, Only Democrat Running Against Newsom In Recall, Worries California Will Be Bankrupt In 20 Years

VENTURA (CBSLA) - Successful YouTube personality and the only Democrat running in the recall election, candidate Kevin Paffrath, says he's running for governor because he believes California will be bankrupt in 20 years.

Paffrath, who has two children, a 3-year-old and a 5-year-old, said he wants to prevent what he sees as dire economic consequences for the state before his children become adults.

The real-estate agent and prominent YouTuber, teaching financial education on his channel, voted in the recall election this morning.

As a politician, Paffrath said he considers himself a JFK-style Democrat and a moderate who believes he can unite both the left and the right by investing in California first and then reducing the role government in residents' daily lives.

Paffrath said Governor Newsom has misled the public about a variety of issues and has small ideas, adding that his own background in finance rather than politics makes him a great candidate for governor.

"I've got that education background in financial education, where I know that teaching folks to build their wealth is really important to make sure that we can minimize the welfare state that we have. So, how does that translate to policy? Well, it means, to solve the housing crisis, we need more homes. Not a few more homes, hundreds of thousands more homes. To solve the educational gap, we need better schools. We need to teach financial education in our schools and solve the cycle of crime that we have," Paffrath said.

The candidate also said that the recall election has been billed as Democrat versus Republican, Newsom versus Elder, but there are moderates like himself running, and that he feels good tonight, heading into this election.

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