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Hundreds gather to help parish after Pomona church burns down

Hundreds rally to help parish after their Pomona church burns down
Hundreds rally to help parish after their Pomona church burns down 02:45

Hundreds of people showed up at the charred remains of a Pomona church to show their support for a community pillar that has selflessly served others for years. 

"How beautiful to see these smiling faces in the midst of rubble," church member Arnell Dailey said. "That's remarkable. That doesn't happen every day."

Dailey is one of the women that Victory Outreach Church has helped throughout the years. It served as a safe haven for her while she was recovering from drug addiction. 

"I made some bad choices," Dailey said. "They have a recovery home. I went through it. This church means everything. It's my family."

The church burned down on the very same morning of a Christmas play and toy drive for kids. Those that came to support the parish, helped the church replace some of what was lost, bringing more gifts than what was lost in the rubble. 

"Looks like they were really blessed with toys, for being all destroyed," said Dailey. "I think we got double and I think double people came out. They were blessed."

Victory Outreach is trying to find a temporary space to hold services and vows to rebuild, creating an online fundraiser to do so. In the meantime, people like Dailey are still out on the streets helping others, after receiving so much support from the church.

"God touched my life so, I just give back every day," Dailey said. 

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