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Drivers save dog running loose on 110 Freeway near Downtown Los Angeles

Drivers near Downtown Los Angeles banded together to save a scared puppy lost on the busy 110 Freeway. 

In a TikTok video, the dog, with his leash still attached, sprinted down the freeway alongside driver James Leto's car. The typically congested traffic along the free stopped to allow Leto and other drivers to corral the dog onto the side of the freeway. 

In Leto's video, a biker hopped off his motorcycle to grab the scared pooch. While he couldn't catch it, the dog ran to the side of the freeway, safe from the traffic. The motorists comforted the puppy on the side of the freeway before bringing him to a shelter in the Chinatown area. 

The California Highway Patrol stated the agency routinely receives animal calls along LA freeways. 

"Unfortunately, animal calls are frequent in the Los Angeles area. Many times dogs, pets or other animals make their way onto the freeway or are abandoned and CHP responds to assist, to ensure the roadways are clear and safe and whenever possible catch the animal and take it to a local animal shelter," Officer April Elliott said. 

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