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Cosmetics store manager fighting for life after being attacked by group of robbers

Beauty store manager fights for life after being attacked while trying to stop robbery attempt
Beauty store manager fights for life after being attacked while trying to stop robbery attempt 02:23

An East LA beauty store owner is fighting for her life after she was assaulted while trying to defend her business from a group of robbers last week. 

Family of the victim named Marlene, a manager at M Beauty in Commerce, say that she was trying to stop the robbery from happening when they attacked her on March 6. 

Photos of the four women that detectives believe were involved in the attempted robbery and assault.  Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

Surveillance footage from that day shows the moments that the manager tries to prevent the women from entering the store. Seconds later, the incident turns violent when the manager is hurled to the floor of the parking lot. 

"That's a brutal attack, the most part of the video made me feel really so bad was when she fell down the second time," said Enrique Sandoval, the victim's father. "That was the moment most terrible for me."

Now, the 32-year-old woman is fighting for her life after hitting her head so hard that her heart was damaged, according to Sandoval. He says that she had two heart attacks following the incident, brought on by the emotion and trauma of the event. 

Family is concerned that if the medication that she's currently on fails to make her heart respond in the right way, she's going to need a heart transplant. 

"It's really hard," Sandoval said. "It's extremely, extremely hard for anybody, any father or family, any member of the community. ... I have no words to explain it."

She remains hospitalized on life support. 

"Sunshine, she is the sunshine of my life since she was a little girl," Sandoval said. "I feel really angry at those girls, because you know they don't respect the human being life."

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department detectives are investing the incident and searching for the four women in what they're calling an attempted murder. 

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