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Beckham, Donovan Welcome Ireland's Keane To Galaxy

CARSON, Calif.(AP) — Robbie Keane already feels welcome with the Los Angeles Galaxy, and not just because of that Irish flag flying above Home Depot Center.

Ireland's celebrated striker went through his first training session Friday with his new club. He was welcomed by Los Angeles stars David Beckham and Landon Donovan, who both believe Keane will make an immediate impact on the MLS-leading Galaxy's title chase.

Keane moved from Tottenham Hotspur to Los Angeles on Monday. The 10th-leading goal-scorer in Premier League history is expected to debut for the Galaxy on Saturday night.

Keane says the Galaxy are a perfect fit for him after spending most of the past 15 years in England. The Irish national team captain isn't worried about the extra travel next month for Ireland's two key qualifying matches for Euro 2012.

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