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As Seen On TV: 'Perfect Smile Veneers' Not So Perfect

LOS ANGELES ( — When it comes to first impressions, a beautiful smile can be a game changer.

As seen on TV, the Perfect Smile Veneers promises to give you perfectly white and straight teeth in a matter of minutes – but does it deliver on its promise?

CBS2's Elsa Ramon followed the directions to the letter for the Perfect Smile Veneers – first drop them in boiling water for two minutes and wait for the adhesive on the back of the teeth to turn clear. Once ready, remove them from the water with a spoon and let them cool for 10 to 20 seconds.

Once cool enough, the veneers are gently pressed against the teeth, with the adhesive pressed around the gums and to the back of the teeth, until it feels molded and secure. Then, drop the molded veneers into cold water until the adhesive turns white.

The molded veneers, however, had a difficult time staying in, tester Matt said.

"No, they are falling out," he said.

Matt wasn't even able to speak without the veneers falling out, and while wearing them, his upper lip appeared pushed out and it seemed to have turned the color of his gums unusually red.

Tester Alex also gave the veneers a try – they stayed in better for her, but she was still not impressed.

"I feel like it's harder to talk. Like I have a retainer or something," Alex said.

What's the verdict on purchasing the Perfect Smile Veneers?

"Ah, probably not – and now I have a lisp," Alex said.

Matt echoed the sentiment.

"I would not buy these. They are ridiculous!" he said.

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