Ahead Of The Upcoming School Year, Here's What Schools Need To Do Before Reopening
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — Cleaning high touch surfaces, practicing social distancing by moving desks, and making sure staff model proper hygiene are among a list of recommendations and guidelines public health officials have released in preparation for the upcoming school year.
The guidelines, which were released Friday, including guidance to schools in areas including arrivals and departures, classroom space, and advising sick staff members and students not to return to school until they have met CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation.
Other requirements include ensuring that the custodial staff is provided with proper protective equipment, including gloves, eye protection, respiratory protection and other appropriate gear.
Schools were also encouraged to teach and reinforce the use of face coverings, masks, or face shields by teachers and staff. Students would also be required to wear face coverings, according to the guidelines.
For a complete list of the recommendations, click here.