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14 Killed In San Bernardino Terror Attack Will Be Honored With New Memorial

SAN BERNARDINO (CBSLA) — Plans for a memorial in honor of 14 people killed in a terror attack in San Bernardino were unveiled Thursday.

Thursday marked the sixth anniversary of the terrorist attack on a San Bernardino County Department of Public Health Christmas party at the Inland Regional Center.

The Dec. 2, 2015 mass shooting was an attack by an employee, Syed Farook, and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, and left 14 people dead. The couple later died in a shootout with police.

san bernardino memorial computer rendering
(credit: CBS)

The memorial to the victims of that attack will be called "The December 2nd, 2015 Curtain of Courage Memorial." Plans for the memorial are on exhibit at the County Museum in Redlands through Dec. 19.

Landscape architect Walter Hood designed the memorial with help from the families of the 14 victims, and is intended as a place for quiet reflection and a space to remember the diverse people, stories, and lessons of that day, according to a statement from San Bernardino County officials. It also honors the 22 survivors and first responders who protected the community that day.

"It was hard doing it by the way," said Sandra Mendoza, who lost her husband Juan Espinosa that day. "But it's something that's gonna be out there for everybody to see, and appreciate, all the victims, and I'm pretty sure all the families did that."

The Curtain of Courage memorial is expected to be completed in the spring.

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